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#CES 2019: Chronolife mise sur un tee-shirt connecté pour optimiser le suivi de l'insuffisance cardiaque #wearable #esante #hcsmeufr 

#CES 2019: Chronolife mise sur un tee-shirt connecté pour optimiser le suivi de l'insuffisance cardiaque #wearable #esante #hcsmeufr  | GAFAMS, STARTUPS & INNOVATION IN HEALTHCARE by PHARMAGEEK |
La start-up Chronolife développe un tee-shirt connecté intégrant un algorithme "qui effectue des mesures multiparamétriques des constantes vitales pour aider au diagnostic et à l'observance des patients insuffisants cardiaques", a expliqué à TICpharma son directeur général, Laurent Vandebrouck, qui ira présenter sa technologie au Consumer Electronic Show (CES) de Las Vegas en janvier prochain.
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Plaies chroniques : Le temps des pansements intelligents #esante #hcsmeufr 

Plaies chroniques : Le temps des pansements intelligents #esante #hcsmeufr  | GAFAMS, STARTUPS & INNOVATION IN HEALTHCARE by PHARMAGEEK |

Dans la revue Small, les scientifiques présentent un pansement intelligent équipé de capteurs de pH et de température et d'un système de libération de médicaments à déclenchement électronique.

Via Philippe Marchal
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#GAFAM Réunion des actionnaires Apple: offensive à prévoir sur la santé ! #Esante #hcsmeufr #IOT #Wearable

#GAFAM Réunion des actionnaires Apple: offensive à prévoir sur la santé ! #Esante #hcsmeufr #IOT #Wearable | GAFAMS, STARTUPS & INNOVATION IN HEALTHCARE by PHARMAGEEK |
La santé, source de nouvelles opportunités
Dans le cadre du Steve Jobs Theater, au sein du nouveau campus Apple Park à Cupertino, Tim Cook a ainsi évoqué le secteur de la santé comme un possible axe de développement, au-delà de l’offre existante (Apple Watch ou Health App). Le dirigeant reconnaît la difficulté à innover sur ce marché du fait de sa complexité, mais Cook estime toutefois que son entreprise bénéficie « d’une excellente position » pour y réussir. Il estime en effet que l’entreprise aura un réel impact dans ce domaine, car c’est son approche customer-centric qui la guidera dans le développement de ses produits, plutôt que par la capacité de ces derniers à être remboursés ou non par Medicare ou Medicaid.

Apple embarque déjà son application santé sur ses iPhone. La nouvelle mise à jour Apple iOS 11.3, qui sera disponible au printemps, permettra aux utilisateurs américains d’indexer et d’accéder à leurs données médicales via un carnet de santé numérique.

Apple n’est pas le seul acteur de la tech à s’intéresser à ce marché : Amazon, JPMorgan et Berkshire Hathaway ont lancé un consortium afin d’adresser les dépenses de santé de leurs propres employés. La maison-mère de Google, Alphabet, explore aussi le domaine, avec différentes initiatives comme les biotechs Verily ou Calico.

Par ailleurs, le patron d’Apple a indiqué être satisfait des performances de l’activité wearables (qui comprend Apple Watch, les casques Beats, ou les Airpods). Malgré des débuts contrastés, le périmètre de cette division est de taille équivalente à celui d’une entreprise du Fortune 300 (classement des entreprises aux Etats-Unis par taille de chiffre d’affaires).
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For healthcare, Google Glass still has it | Healthcare IT News

For healthcare, Google Glass still has it | Healthcare IT News | GAFAMS, STARTUPS & INNOVATION IN HEALTHCARE by PHARMAGEEK |

There's plenty of potential for Google Glass in healthcare, despite reports that have called into question the technology's value.   "Glass in the enterprise is certainly stronger than it's ever been. Google is investing very heavily," said Kyle Samani, CEO of Pristine, a company that develops software for the device, during a Monday afternoon session at the mHealth Summitoutside Washington, D.C.   Samani was part of a panel that included Paul Porter, MD, director of special projects and telemedicine for Brown University Emergency Medicine, and Sean Lunde, mHealth lead for Wipro's healthcare and life sciences consulting group. They noted several use cases where Google Glass is being tested:  

  • Helping specialists in ambulances to enable consultations while a patient is being transported to a hospital.
  • Performing consultations in the ER to bring in specialists faster and expedite waiting times.
  • Steaming video from the OR to the command center of a medical device company rather than have a device rep present with the surgeon.
  • Using Glass to quickly communicate information rather than sending a page.
  • Using Glass for telemedicine consults to alleviate the often-lengthy wait times for patients to see a dermatologist in person.

In a cited dermatology study at Brown's emergency department, about 90 percent of patients said they were satisfied with and would recommend the technology, according to Porter. 

Almost all study patients had confidence in the equipment and would recommend it to other patients, he reported.

The caveat, however, was that nearly 75 percent of patients would have preferred a face-to-face visit rather than a telemedicine consult.

"If we're going to move to a cheaper and more accessible form of medicine, it's going to have the feeling of using a call center," Porter acknowledged.

Lunde encouraged those interested in starting a Glass pilot to do so as a way to get in tune with future technology trends.

"Screens will get smaller and more contextual and you will learn how to make that work," he said, noting that Glass' screen size requires that only the most important, relevant information be displayed.

"For us, Glass was both better and worse than the hype," Porter said. "The truth is somewhere in the middle. For certain specialties … where your hands need to be free and your eyes need to be covered, it shows great promise. It's part of what I consider part of a really bright future for telemedicine in general."

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Cellnovo accélère dans la course aux solutions connectées pour le #diabète #insuline  #esante #hcsmeufr #IOT

Cellnovo accélère dans la course aux solutions connectées pour le #diabète #insuline  #esante #hcsmeufr #IOT | GAFAMS, STARTUPS & INNOVATION IN HEALTHCARE by PHARMAGEEK |
La medtech Cellnovo a lancé la mise en production "à grande échelle" des cartouches d’insuline de sa micro-pompe connectée, afin de répondre à la demande croissante de connectivité des diabétiques type 1 et de "les aider à mieux gérer la maladie", a expliqué à TICpharma la directrice générale de l'entreprise, Sophie Baratte.
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Manque de sommeil : épidémie mondiale - Le business des Start up #SleepTech #Esante #IOT #Wearable #hcsmeufr #Sante 

Manque de sommeil : épidémie mondiale - Le business des Start up #SleepTech #Esante #IOT #Wearable #hcsmeufr #Sante  | GAFAMS, STARTUPS & INNOVATION IN HEALTHCARE by PHARMAGEEK |
En 25 ans, les Français ont perdu en moyenne 18 minutes de sommeil par nuit, selon l’Insee. 62% déclarent souffrir au moins d’un trouble du sommeil (difficulté à s’endormir, réveil nocturne…) La faute aux écrans qui envahissent notre quotidien, à un mode de vie de plus en plus contraint, au stress permanent… Le sujet, longtemps …
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Dexcom teases Apple Watch for diabetes monitoring at CES

Dexcom teases Apple Watch for diabetes monitoring at CES | GAFAMS, STARTUPS & INNOVATION IN HEALTHCARE by PHARMAGEEK |

As digital health continues to extend into the mainstream, continuous glucose monitor (CGM) manufacturer Dexcom took advantage of the 2015 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) to unveil a simulated Apple Watch displaying live demo glucose readings from a Dexcom CGM.

As pictured on the right, the Apple Watch display is fairly similar to the current Dexcom receiver’s. It displays the current blood sugar reading, a graph of recent blood sugars, and  a trend arrow (telling the user whether their glucose trend is sharply upwards, upwards, flat, downwards, or sharply downwards). From the demo, there is no indication if the Apple Watch app will have any other features such as alarms, calibration, etc.

I believe this is the first time any diabetes device manufacturer has publicly shown any demonstration of continuous glucose data being transmitted wirelessly to a smartwatch.  The closest demonstration would be Medtronic live streaming glucose readings from their CGM to an iPhone display this past Fall.

Currently, there are no official solutions that stream glucose data to smart watches.  For the tech-savvy, a NightScout community exists that helps users “hack” their CGM’s into streaming glucose data to the cloud. In comparison, out-of-the-box synchronization to mobile devices would be a huge step for continuous glucose monitors, and the recent demos by Dexcom and Medtronic suggest that the FDA approval landscape for diabetes technology is loosening.

In a CES Digital Health session titled “Winning the War on Diabetes”, Dexcom’s Steve Pacelli (pictured second to left), Executive Vice President of Strategy and Corporate Development, announced that “[Dexcom's] 5th generation system will transfer data from the sensor to the phone.”

This would represent a significant upgrade over current G4 solutions that require a separate product (the recently approved Dexcom Share) to serve as an intermediary device between the smartphone and Dexcom receiver. Dexcom’s 5th gen release would eliminate the need for a Share-like receiver and could potentially even eliminate the receiver.

With respect to the Dexcom booth’s Apple Watch demo, it was unclear if the Apple Watch integration is coming for the Dexcom Share (and therefore current G4 systems) or for the future G5 release. However, it’s worth noting that the demo was running inside Apple’s developer kit, which means that the display was running actual software code and not just a mockup.

Furthermore, unlike Medtronic which has officially gone on record stating that Apple HealthKit integration is not part of initial plans for their upcoming smartphone systems, Dexcom’s booth prominently featured Apple Watch and Apple HealthKit in their signage.

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