Out of Sight Out of Mind | #ILoveGay | Scoop.it

LGBTQ people have been erased from history since we started writing history. It is only now that queer histories are being written or inserted into the larger human drama. Nowadays, we do read of the gay soldiers in the trenches of WWI. We hear of the lesbian nurses in the field hospitals of WWII. We read of gay people in sport, in science, in the theatre and movies, in politics, in education, in medicine, in space exploration, in the armed services and in the police. But despite this latter day resurgence of queer history and queer stories being consciously reinserted into the wider panorama of history, originally, all these lives and stories, all definitely there, definitely present, were erased. No-one knew. It was as if we had never been there. Now in Australia, conservatives, both political and religious, are trying the same again.