Pharma: Trends and Uses Of Mobile Apps and Digital Marketing
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PhRMA Hopes to Sway Lawmakers, Not Consumers, Via Its "Hope" Campaign

PhRMA Hopes to Sway Lawmakers, Not Consumers, Via Its "Hope" Campaign | Pharma: Trends and Uses Of Mobile Apps and Digital Marketing |
Pharma companies are not doing a great job at reaching physicians through social, and their ability to advertise to consumers could be eliminated in the US if the American Medical Association (AMA) has its way.


But the pharmaceutical industry's largest trade group, the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), isn't targeting physicians or consumers in what could be its most important ad campaign.


As detailed by the Wall Street Journal, as part of PhRMA's multi-million dollar spend this year, the organization will be relying heavily on social channels like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn for the digital portion of the campaign.


The goal: counter ongoing public outrage over drug prices with the pharma industry's perspective in an effort to avoid or limit action that could harm pharma companies.


The most interesting aspect of PhRMA's digital campaign is that it won't be attempting to win the hearts and minds of the general population.


That is an impossible undertaking, as PhRMA board member and Celgene Corp CEO Robert Hugin told attendees at the JP Morgan Healthcare Conference in San Francisco in January.

Instead, PhRMA plans to use the targeting tools offered by social channels to target its digital ads specifically to influential individuals, namely politicians and analysts who impact healthcare policy.


Those targeting tools are increasingly powerful. For example, on Facebook, advertisers can target their ads to users in specific locations, like Washington DC.


Combined with Facebook's ability to target using demographics, interests and behaviors, and it's likely that an organization like PhRMA could have quite a bit of success reaching a relatively small group of influencers with just a handful of thoughtful filters.

Via Pharma Guy, Lionel Reichardt / le Pharmageek
eMedToday's insight:

This is an interesting analysis considering that PhRMA's new CEO is a Washington insider/lobbyist. For more on that, read "Former #Pharma Pfizer R&D Exec Gives Some Advice to PhRMA's New CEO";  

Pharma Guy's curator insight, March 1, 2016 7:26 AM

This is an interesting analysis considering that PhRMA's new CEO is a Washington insider/lobbyist. For more on that, read "Former #Pharma Pfizer R&D Exec Gives Some Advice to PhRMA's New CEO";  

Lionel Reichardt / le Pharmageek's curator insight, March 1, 2016 12:39 PM

This is an interesting analysis considering that PhRMA's new CEO is a Washington insider/lobbyist. For more on that, read "Former #Pharma Pfizer R&D Exec Gives Some Advice to PhRMA's New CEO";  

Dominique Godefroy's curator insight, March 3, 2016 5:12 AM

This is an interesting analysis considering that PhRMA's new CEO is a Washington insider/lobbyist. For more on that, read "Former #Pharma Pfizer R&D Exec Gives Some Advice to PhRMA's New CEO";  


#Pharma Ramps Up Ads & Lobbying to Fend Off Rx Pricing Regulation

#Pharma Ramps Up Ads & Lobbying to Fend Off Rx Pricing Regulation | Pharma: Trends and Uses Of Mobile Apps and Digital Marketing |

The pharmaceutical industry, under fire this election season for rising drug prices, is ramping up a new advertising campaign designed to improve its reputation with lawmakers as it lobbies against any effort to rein in prescription costs. 

The sector’s largest trade group, the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, or PhRMA, says it intends to spend several million dollars this year, and 10% more than in 2015, on digital, radio and print ads that emphasize the industry’s role in developing new drugs and advancing medical science.

Many of the ads are running on social-media sites like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter,because PhRMA wants to target federal and state lawmakers, policy analysts and other political “influencers,” said Robert Zirkelbach, senior vice president of communications at PhRMA, which represents nearly three dozen of the largest drugmakers, including Pfizer Inc. and Amgen Inc.

Websites like Facebook promise to deliver ads to specific audiences based on characteristics including their location, occupation and keyword search history. 

The campaign is primarily directed at policy makers in Washington, but ads will also run in some select states that have yet to be determined, Mr. Zirkelbach said.

Via Pharma Guy, Lionel Reichardt / le Pharmageek
Pharma Guy's curator insight, February 8, 2016 7:21 AM

Are pharma PACs & people still giving money to Bush?