Metaglossia: The Translation World
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Metaglossia: The Translation World
News about translation, interpreting, intercultural communication, terminology and lexicography - as it happens
Curated by Charles Tiayon
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Israeli Supreme Court Project At Cardozo Law To Oversee English Translations Of Key Opinions Of The Supreme Court Of Israel - The Sacramento Bee

NEW YORK, Oct. 19, 2012 -- NEW YORK, Oct. 19, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Cardozo School of Law, a division of Yeshiva University, will take over responsibility for translating significant cases of the Supreme Court of Israel into English.


In recognition of Cardozo's programs in international constitutional law and in Jewish legal studies, the Friends of the Library of the Supreme Court of Israel signed a memorandum of understanding with Cardozo on October 18, 2012, transferring authority and funding for the project to the school. The opinions of the Israeli Supreme Court are of significant influence to the development of law in other countries. United States Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer has said, "The Supreme Court of Israel is one of the world's great legal institutions. Its work is of increasing value to constitutional scholars throughout the world."

The Friends of the Library of the Supreme Court of Israel was formed in the 1990s as a non-profit corporation based in the United States, whose mission is to work closely with the Supreme Court of Israel to make the court's opinions readily available in English. Legal translators in Israel work on translations that are made available online and in published volumes by the organization.

In partnership with the Supreme Court of Israel, the Cardozo project will continue to translate significant opinions and make them available on the Supreme Court's website, Cardozo's website, as well as through other electronic legal sources. The translations will continue to be published in volumes made available in the United States and throughout the world.

United States Judge Jon O. Newman of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit chairs the Friends of the Supreme Court of Israel and met with Cardozo Law Dean Matthew Diller and Vice Dean Edward Stein in New York City to sign the agreement. Justice Asher Dan Grunis, President of the Supreme Court of Israel, attended the signing. Also in attendance were the previous President of the Supreme Court of Israel Dorit Beinisch and former Deputy President of the Supreme Court of Israel Eliezer Rivlin, who is a visiting professor at Cardozo School of Law.

"Cardozo is honored to take over the role of directing this important project," said Dean Matthew Diller. "The project is a natural fit for us and will be directed by the Floersheimer Center for Constitutional Democracy as well as the Center for Jewish Law and Contemporary Civilization."

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Mention of vagina causes evangelical bookshop to refuse book, claims author

A prominent evangelical author believes her memoir is not being stocked in a major US Christian book chain because it includes the word "vagina".

Rachel Held Evans's second book, A Year of Biblical Womanhood, is her account of the year she spent taking every instruction from the Bible as literally as possible, from calling her husband "master" to camping in the garden during her period. Out later this month, it includes two instances where the word vagina is used: once where she is describing the rape of a Congolese teenager, and once where she talks about her own decision to sign an abstinence pledge at the age of 15: "I used the back of my metal chair to scribble my name across the dotted line before marching to the front of the room to pin my promise to God and to my vagina onto a giant corkboard for all to see."

The author first realised there might be an issue over her use of the anatomical word earlier this year, when she was told by her publisher Thomas Nelson that she shouldn't include the second instance because Christian book stores "apparently have a thing against vaginas".

"I make a big scene about it and say that if Christian bookstores stuck to their own ridiculous standards, they wouldn't be able carry the freaking Bible," she wrote on her popular blog in March. "I tell everyone that I'm going to fight it out of principle, but I cave within a few days because I want Christian bookstores to carry the sanitised version of my book because I want to make a lot of money, because we've needed a new roof on our house for four years now, and because I really want a Mac so I can fit in at the mega-churches. I feel like such a fraud … What's frustrating about all of this, of course, is that I can use the word 'vagina' when the context involves rape, but I cannot use the word 'vagina' when the context involves a certain degree of owners!
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Explican la censura franquista en la traducción literaria - UAB Barcelona

Explican la censura franquista en la traducción literaria

09.10.2012 CENTROS DOCENTES - Los días 17 y 18 de octubre, la Facultad de Traducción e Interpretación acogerá las V Jornades sobre Traducción y Literatura, que tratarán sobre los efectos de la censura durante la dictadura.
Este encuentro, que se desarrollará en el aula 2 de la facultad, está organizado conjuntamente por la Cátedra Jordi Arbonès y el Grupo de Estudio de la Traducción Catalana Contemporánea (GETCC).

A lo largo de diferentes sesiones, se hablará de temas como la traducción y les políticas editoriales de los años 60 a la actualidad, las traducciones en la postguerra inmediata, la traducción de teatro o la censura de "la amoralidad femenina". Además, habrá sendas ponencias sobre la censura en la traducción al gallego y al vasco y se tratará específicamente sobre la censura en la traducción de poesía y narrativa alemanas.

El día 17, a las 10:30 h., inaugurará las jornadas Francesc Parcerisas, profesor del Departamento de Traducción e Interpretación, y a continuación ofrecerá la primera conferencia el traductor Francec Vallverdú, que glosará su experiencia en Edicions 62. La última sesión, el día 18 a las 13:15 h., versará también sobre las traducciones de Edicions 62 e irà a cargo de la escritora Mireia Sopena.!
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