Could a phone camera help organizations keep disabled customers onboard?  #hcsmeufr #esante #digitalhealth | eHealth mHealth HealthTech innovations - Marketing Santé innovant |

Something as simple as a phone camera could transform how organisations help customers with a disability and be a boost to customer service teams within the public and private sector.

For many people, tasks like setting up wifi in a new home, or using services such as online banking can be complicated. Without eyesight, or with other disabilities, such tasks can prove far more difficult again.


The founders of an app called Be My Eyes are hoping to make these jobs easier for people who are blind specifically. They will do this by offering the help of a sighted customer service person at banks, tech companies and other organisations via their phone camera app.


The app is already being used by 100,000 people with vision impairment around the world to get help from sighted volunteers for everyday tasks. When a person with vision impairment needs the use of a ‘pair of eyes’ for anything from checking food sell-by dates to choosing clothes or catching the right bus, they can ask for volunteer assistance via the free app. Usually within 30 seconds, the person who is blind or partially sighted will be connected to one of 1.5 million volunteers around the world.


Via TEAM Mike Lopez Memorial Foundation |Find us on Twitter:@TEAMCUREALS, Lionel Reichardt / le Pharmageek