Telemedicine and HIPAA  #esante #hcsmeufr #digitalhealth | eHealth mHealth HealthTech innovations - Marketing Santé innovant |

The digital age has presented numerous benefits for a variety of economic sectors with the health industry among the biggest winners.


From faster communication between patients and health professionals to better service delivery, health organizations have seen improvements in a variety of daily operations. Sadly, the digital age is a double-edged sword, and as more health organizations use the latest technology, there is the looming threat of poor data security.


Threats such as the WannaCry ransomware attacks, which have wreaked havoc on the economy to date, are a constant reminder that data security should be a priority for organizations looking to leverage advancements in technology.


For instance, while telemedicine promises improved service delivery, it introduces a security complexity.


HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) regulations have been a cornerstone for setting and raising the security standards in healthcare, and telemedicine might actually make it easier for health organizations to remain compliant.


At the same time, a lot has to be done to improve the security loopholes presented by such technologies.


Here are how HIPAA and Telemedicine fit with each other and the things that need to be done for better data security.

Via Lionel Reichardt / le Pharmageek